Highlights of 2010 + Goals for 2011

posted on: Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking back upon 2010, I am overwhelmed with an immense sense of peace and hope. Here are my favorite highlights of 2010 and goals for 2011:

1. Witnessed someone I'm close to break through an addiction. Okay, that's not my achievement - my success in that story is we had a relationship despite the insanity of his disease. We hadn't had a cohesive conversation in almost a decade until this fall, and to describe the depth of the ugly escapades would take a novel. Suffice it to say, two years ago, I resolved that he would die from what the drugs were doing to his body. Along with that attitude, my hope died as well. But somehow despite the anger, pain and sadness, I kept the faith. I kept showing up. I continued calling, and I kept loving even if it had to be at arms length. I never ever expected him to detox. When he was unresponsive to my calls one weekend, I decided to call the ambulance --- we live far apart --- so I really believe it's that "staying connected" that helped him get to the hospital when he needed it. What a joy it has been to be in his company, to talk and to laugh. This is my biggest highlight of the year - witnessing someone who is important to me come alive again. What a lesson in humility, compassion, and gratitude.
2. Quit my job to pursue a photography business. I don't know where the audacity came from because I'm ultra practical and like my i's dotted, my t's crossed and to know my steady income is automated into my bank account at all times. What a surprise to feel the courage to let go and trust in myself enough to make a living at this. I can't call it passion or a gift... it's always been this subtle force, the desire to take pictures. It's something within that moves me to do it. I'm simply deciding to give in to it, and to practice as much as I can, to become as good as I can, and to share the results with others. I'm a person that worked hard for someone else for over 15 years. It feels so good to put that energy and tenacity into myself instead.
3. Began a non-profit called Bridges of Promise. In October 2008, I offered to help someone have a cookie exchange to raise money for children in Tanzania. Next thing I know, this woman and I are becoming fast friends and filling out paper work to acquire 501c3 status so that we could independently transfer the money we were raising to fund orphan tuitions. This year, we raised enough funds to send 23 orphans to school and we assisted their community in receiving a 23k grant to build a water catchment system. Wow! Not only have we exceeded our expectations, but we enjoy working with each other. Between the non-profit and the photo business, it's been such a joy to work hard for things I believe in and to LEARN. I LOVE learning new things, especially when they make me feel accomplished.
4. Spending time with friends and family. I typically take two to three trips back east each year. In 2010, I flew down to Florida to spend time with my grandfather. While there, his wife ended up in the hospital, and it felt so good to be able to take the 45 minute drive with him to be with her. Plus, passing the time together on the rocking chairs of his porch - priceless. I also was able to let him know how much our family cares about him and we would like to be the one's who take care of him as he gets older. He's a young 88 right now, so who knows when that time will come?! In late August, my kid brother came to visit for two weeks. It was a challenging visit at times, because he's still a kid, so I have to remind him to brush his teeth, wash his hands, etc., and I come across like a nag which is not fun. But, he impresses me. He is such a young man already (at the tender age of 11). I don't think he realizes how much he teaches me. Then, I went home for a high school reunion which was fun, but coincidentally my father had hip surgery scheduled, so I extended my stay. There were complications and the doctors cancelled the procedure which was already long overdue by four years. Being able to work through the red tape and keep him company in the many waiting rooms during those two weeks was like drinking gold. My dad is so grateful for my help, and I know we grew even closer because of that experience. The last trip was to see my mom and sister and baby nephew. Watching my mother be a grandma is such a joy for me. She's so happy, the happiest I've ever seen her and it fills me up. The whole family takes such good care of this little guy. It's just amazing to watch everyone be a part of his life. He's so darn precious. All of these peaceful visits with my family mean the world to me, because we live 3,000 miles apart. I love my life out in California, but my heart and my thoughts are always with my loved one's back east.
5. Cooking. I love cooking. I love feeding my husband good foods. I've always loved it. But this year, somehow it was different. First of all, Alle often cooks with me, and we took some new risks in the kitchen this year, but we still ate very simply, very healthy. Hearing that Alessandro prefers eating at home to a five star restaurant makes me feel like a million bucks. In fact, I don't need financial success, give me a plate of handmade pasta and homemade ragu, and I am as happy as I can be! Enjoying good food with my husband each night is a highlight because it's an easy everyday thing that brings consistency and goodness into our lives. Then, when we want to treat ourselves, we go to the better restaurants. We save so much money eating at home and making our own lunches that it's well worth it.

2011 Goals
1. Increase SFP visibility
2. Shoot one assignment per week
3. Build editorial/commercial portfolio
4. Organize/systemize process and procedures of SFP
5. Add weight lifting to work out regime
6. Double BOP proceeds and keep up the blog weekly
7. Read more books from the library
8. Visit a part of Cali Shane hasn't seen during his annual visit
9. Attend photo workshop of a female photographer whose style and business model I admire
10. Master 5 recipes from my new Bottega cookbook.

Wishing all a happy and prosperous new year. May you have your heart's desire!


Unknown said...

Sandra, I love your photos. I feel I have an excellent eye for pictures but do not have the camera skill to go along with it. How did you get started in photography and can you recommend a good seminar for me to attend? My dream is to become a professional portrait photographer like you and can't make the jump. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Sandra Fazzino said...

Hi Rebecca. I'm not sure you'll receive this message, but thank you so much for stopping by my blog and enjoying what you see here. If you send me your email address, I would love to correspond with you further. You may email me directly at sandrafazzino@hotmail.com.

Have a lovely day! I can't wait to answer your questions.
Best to you,

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