Memorial Day 2014

posted on: Monday, May 26, 2014

Today is the first Memorial Day since our father's passing. He served in the Vietnam War from October 24th, 1966 to May 28th, 1969. To him, my grandfathers, uncles, family friends and to all the men and women in the military - thank you and God bless you. 

We love you, daddy. xo 

Feeling the Loss

posted on: Monday, May 5, 2014

So… it's been quiet on the blog… and there's a good reason. On April 13th, we lost my father to alcoholism. Our loss has hit me pretty hard, and it's been difficult to be social or even partake in social media of any kind. At first, I went into that very safe, comfortable mode of my Type A personality by orchestrating the funeral arrangements, planning the trip back east, and making all of the proper phone calls that need to be made. The support, comfort and condolences have been amazing - I couldn't ask for better family, friends or clients. Thank you to everyone for all the love you've poured on me and my family over these last several weeks. Now that I'm back from Connecticut and no longer in the safe cradle of my family's love and support, the sadness lingers. I'm most concerned about my fifteen year old brother. I've been his legal guardian for the last two years, because my dad's addiction became too much for him, so he courageously asked to come live with me and my husband. Unfortunately, his mom battles the same disease. I'm so grateful that he came to live with us when he did. This and many more strings of events have signaled to me that God does have a plan, and his plans are always good ones, but they don't exclude the pain or suffering. And so, as I mull through these feelings and trust faithfully in God's good plans, I'm quietly laying low and just wanted to put it out there how much I appreciate everyone's love and support. In fact, my clients have absolutely floored me with their sweet gestures. Thank you so much!!! I'm looking forward to feeling better soon. Love and hugs until then. xo

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