Marketing to Event Planners | San Francisco Bay Area

posted on: Sunday, April 28, 2013

Several months ago, just as the 2012 wedding season was coming to its end, I sent out this promotional piece to event planners in the bay area. At this point, I had photographed roughly thirty weddings, but mainly as a second shooter. So, none of the planners in my area knew of me, and I figured if was time to introduce myself. I found a great article by Caroline Joy, 3 Ways to Shake up Your Marketing Today, and followed her every word. Here are the steps I followed:

Step 1:  Researched local wedding planners. Based on the information that I found mainly via the internet, made a SHORT list of women whose style and personality resonated with my brand. Created an excel sheet of each business's contact information. Used this document to track response of mailing.

Step 2: Made a decision on the impression I aimed to make. I wanted to come across as warm, professional, considerate, and organized. Of course, I also wanted to convey my brand. The three words I would use to describe my style are timeless, elegant and graceful.

Step 3: Made printed cards of several of my favorite images and created a questionnaire card that the planners could easily fill out and return in the self-addressed and stamped envelope. This was the key to the success of the promo piece. I simply asked if she would be willing to meet for coffee, lunch or a quick office visit, which month worked best October, November or December, and how she preferred to be contacted by email or phone.

Step 4: Mailed the packages during down season. And patiently waited!

Step 5: As returned post cards arrived, sent a follow-up email thanking the planner. Based on her feedback, marked my excel sheet, and made plans accordingly.

It took just a week to feel the immediate impact of the promo. I actually received an 80% response rate! That is a powerful number especially considering the limited amount of promos that were mailed. Here are the results of my efforts:

- Invited to several industry events.
- Collaborated on two styled shoots with two different planners.
- Published in Utterly Engaged.
- Booked three weddings to date.
- Established several industry relationships with other vendors introduced to me by the planners.
- Continue to receive referrals through these planners and contacts made through them.
- Major bonus: met some extraordinary women who I truly admire and respect.

The two things I like most about this approach are fairly basic. First, I spent less than $200, a small investment on the return I received. Second, the promo made it easy on the planners to respond because of the self-addressed and stamped questionairre. Not to mention, they received something pretty in the mail and reusable since the promo arrived in a photo box stuffed with excelsior.

I hope this has been helpful and encouraging to those new to the industry or perhaps if you've moved to a new area. My words of advice: Be thoughtful. Be you.


Happy 14th Birthday, Shane!

posted on: Friday, April 19, 2013

It's not easy being a teenager. It's even harder being a teenager in a new school living with his eldest sister 3,000 miles away from what he's always known as home. But Shane doesn't let it show. When he's reminded for the 100th time to do his chores, wash his hands, or put his napkin on his lap, he doesn't roll his eyes, puff a passive aggressive breath or even talk back. He simply does as he's told. He's been maintaining good grades, making friends and he even took home the student of the month award this April. That all seems pretty cool in and of itself. Add to this that he broke his neck during a failed stunt on his mountain bike in February, and yeah, you guessed it - he's a pretty stellar kid surrounded by a slew of angels. He does all of this and wears a neck brace 24/7.

I'm tough on him. Really tough. I'm tough because I'm afraid. Afraid of failing him, not setting him up for life, not teaching him everything he needs to know in order to navigate the world, not doing the best that I can do to take good care of him. But the truth is, I'm not his navigation device. That's already built deep inside of him.  

Happy birthday to my brother. Keep up all the good work that you're doing in school and in your heart. My birthday wish for you is that you continue to put your faith and trust in God's plan for you in the good times and in the bad, because His love and light are there for you. Always.


Dreaming on a Bed of Jasmine

posted on: Monday, April 8, 2013

Yesterday, Zeus, our sixteen pound orange tabby, took a moment to stop and smell the jasmine as he walked past it along our back patio. He slowly bent down over the long vines, nuzzled the budding flowers and lingered over their sweet smell for a while as if he was greeting a long lost friend. So, as any loving kitty mommy would do, I made him a garland to adorn his neck, and there he lay on our dining room table in dreamy slumber surrounded by the aroma of spring.

Arden's 1st Birthday Published on Dear Baby!

posted on: Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One day I checked my email to find the sweetest message from Evi Ritter of Dear Baby, a german blog about, well, babies and motherhood. I have only had the pleasure to travel to Germany twice. Both visits were in the dead of winter. Although the weather was freezing cold and I had to pop into smoke-filled cafe's to dry off the damp chill, I really enjoyed myself there and would go again anytime. Unfortunately, the most I retained of the language is "guten tag" or "guten morgan" and "danke." My Italian gets me no where fast on the Frankfurt subway which is embarrassing. So, if you're like me and don't speak a lick of German, the lucky news is, photographs are universal. If you would like to have a peak, click HERE to see this darling blog and revisit the most prettiest in pink first birthday party designed by the talented blogger, herself, Reichel Broussard of Copycat Chic which was also featured on On to Baby a while back as well.

Happy Wednesday!

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