Happy 14th Birthday, Shane!

posted on: Friday, April 19, 2013

It's not easy being a teenager. It's even harder being a teenager in a new school living with his eldest sister 3,000 miles away from what he's always known as home. But Shane doesn't let it show. When he's reminded for the 100th time to do his chores, wash his hands, or put his napkin on his lap, he doesn't roll his eyes, puff a passive aggressive breath or even talk back. He simply does as he's told. He's been maintaining good grades, making friends and he even took home the student of the month award this April. That all seems pretty cool in and of itself. Add to this that he broke his neck during a failed stunt on his mountain bike in February, and yeah, you guessed it - he's a pretty stellar kid surrounded by a slew of angels. He does all of this and wears a neck brace 24/7.

I'm tough on him. Really tough. I'm tough because I'm afraid. Afraid of failing him, not setting him up for life, not teaching him everything he needs to know in order to navigate the world, not doing the best that I can do to take good care of him. But the truth is, I'm not his navigation device. That's already built deep inside of him.  

Happy birthday to my brother. Keep up all the good work that you're doing in school and in your heart. My birthday wish for you is that you continue to put your faith and trust in God's plan for you in the good times and in the bad, because His love and light are there for you. Always.



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