Tania. Portrait Session. Santa Monica.

posted on: Friday, November 18, 2011

It's 8:30pm, but it feels like midnight. My house is cold and dark with one singular light glowing from my computer screen. A days worth of dishes sit in the sink waiting to be washed. In lieu of dinner, sliced cheese and crackers are my meal of choice accompanied by a rare iced cold Coke. Only, I can't finish my joke-of-a-meal, because the cats decide to play with my food as if it's a scared mouse mentally hoping for a distraction and a safe escape. I can work and eat like this on a rainy Friday night, because my husband is at the San Francisco Auto Show mingling with VIP's and fawning over fancy cars. Maybe I should be sad and gloomy, but oh, to the contrary! I'm happy in my little state of editing bliss, and I'm about to introduce you to Tania whose portrait I had the pleasure of taking last weekend in Santa Monica.

As you can plainly see here, Tania is off the charts beautiful. She also happens to be one of those phenomenons who is not only smashingly good looking and intelligent but passionate about what she does, too. She's a doctor, an Oncologist, in fact, and her goal is to specialize in children. I don't think they make 'em any more gorgeous - and I'm talking about the kind of pretty that comes from the inside out.

In prepping for her shoot, Tania gave me a celebrity to help identify her style. It was Jennifer Aniston. She described her love for the beach and wanted her portraits to represent her casual, laid back style. I hope the results meet her every expectation.

Thank you for a fun morning together, Tania! It was such a pleasure to meet you and to work with you - you're a celebrity in my book! Here's a sneak peek of some of my favorites. Enjoy! XX



Rachael Boer said...

Gorgeous photos. Beautiful use of light and of course a beautiful subject. Well done!

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