
posted on: Monday, April 4, 2011

Now, you may not think that cats are as smart as dogs, but I promise you, Zeus ran all around the house in excitement yesterday morning after I told him we were having company and that a little boy named Devin would be coming over. Really, you can nod your head and call me the crazy cat lady, which I gladly am, but it is true! Another truth: this 3 year old is the best high-fiver I've ever met. And look at him posing like a champ! His parents stopped by for a long overdue brunch this weekend, and we snapped these photos after feeding the ducks by the water near our house. In fact, our cats followed us throughout the entire walk and attentively enjoyed the feeding frenzy. As you can see here, Zeus really takes it upon himself to be an excellent host. Here's to a Happy Monday!



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