Repurposing Washi Tape

posted on: Saturday, June 7, 2014

Recently, my dad passed away. I'm just starting to feel more myself, but while going through the motions, the thing that always helps me feel better when my world has been turned upside down is getting organized. It gives me a false sense of control. While putting various things in order throughout my home and office, I came up with a new system for tracking client bookings.

Since I'm a traditionalist in more ways than one, I can't seem to bring myself to track my calendar or production process electronically. I still walk around with a desk planner in my purse even though I know I could track everything via my phone. In any case, I collect washi tape and discovered a new way to put it to good use. What's nice about washi tape is it peels off easily. See below for how it's used to label folders and tape a production check list to the inside cover. This way, as jobs are completed, the information will move to one general 2014 folder making way for next year's client bookings. This isn't only cute but it's a great way to reuse and recycle!

Pix taken with my phone. No judging!


washi tape, recycle, office tips

washi tape, recycle, office tips

washi tape, recycle, office tips


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