Scoring Big

posted on: Thursday, April 26, 2012

I was surprised to see his car in the driveway when I came home from the gym. It was only 7 o'clock and he typically doesn't arrive home until 7:30 or 8pm. That's the routine, roughly 12 hour days, six days a week. It was a nice surprise and I was happy.

After greeting the kitties I found him in the guest room or shall we call it the laundry room, because that's where the ironing board stays in its position by the window right next to the drying stand hung with laundry I did a week ago. There he was ironing his shirts. After a hug and a kiss hello, I let him know I was headed downstairs to start dinner.

Alessandro: "Do you need any help?"
Me: "No, thank you."
Alessandro: "Would you like me to keep you company?"
Me: "I always like when you keep me company while I cook."

And so he came, sat at the breakfast bar while I prepared dinner.

Now. I'm not sure if you were able to really envision this scenario, so I'll just reiterate this here —— my husband was home early from a standard routine of working long hours. He was ironing his clothes (the ones that he washed, by the way), he asked if he could help me with dinner, AND THEN he kept me company while I cooked dinner. Is anyone here thinking what I'm thinking???? I scored - I scored BIG!!!

Now, my intention here is not to gloat or over glorify. But it needs to be said, this simple aspect of our life together really makes me feel fortunate. Blessed, even. The main reason being I did not witness this type of peaceful, harmonious display of couple-hood growing up. It was quite the contrary. I love my parents very much, but they'll be the first to admit our family life was more like "Casino" and "Goodfellas" than my current life of "Leave it to Beaver." How this came to be is anyone's guess.

I think my point here is - no matter where you come from, no matter what you've seen or done, no matter how poor your self worth once was, no matter how many people thought you were doomed from the start - it's simply not true. Every day there are a million and one choices that we make. I've spent the better part of the last twelve years making choices that have made me feel uncomfortable - like watching my husband do his own laundry and iron his own clothes, even! Because in my mind, I should be waiting on him hand and foot.

I hope to always be uncomfortable, because it's a proven fact, when I get uncomfortable, I score big.



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