Blue, Blue or Blue?

posted on: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The shower pours down like an east coast thunderstorm while I toss in bed pretending it's not 7am and the sun light isn't creeping into the room groping for my attention. My calculations give me another ten minutes while Alessandro finishes primping before I must peel myself away from my favorite spot on earth. I wait there for him to appear with the sheets pulled up to my neck and one foot peeking out from the covers. Finally, the loud hot air from the hair dryer simmers down, and he saunters around the corner. His back faces me while he stands in front of his closet door, arms folded across his clean white crew neck t-shirt deciphering which button-down to wear. My lips curl up into a grin as I imagine what he must be thinking. My voice cracks, "Hmmm quale dovrei scegliare - quello blu, blu…. oppuurrreeee la blu?!" (Hmmm, which one should I choose, the blue, blue ooorrrr, the blue?!) It perplexes me every time. All of his shirts are mainly some form of blue, so really, why does it take a year to figure out which one to wear each morning?! He spins around and attacks me, smothering me with his weight and we hug and kiss. Just the reaction I was hoping for. : )

Alessandro has been away on work for a long weekend in Pebble Beach, and I've been pretty busy myself.  Thank goodness for homecomings.

Happy Tuesday.



Unknown said...

This post was so stinking sweet. LOVE it! So, did he go with the blue?

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