The Cinclair's

posted on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My recent visit back east was a whirl wind of accompanying my father to doctor's appointments, getting him organized for hip surgery and pushing through a minutia of red tape to ensure he had the operation before I returned to San Francisco (the doctor's made some major communication errors that required us to jump through some hoops, and we surprised them all with our super abilities to divide and conquer.) In between my daughterly duties, I was able to share some well needed quality time with good friends and photograph their families.

The first session was with the Cinclair's. Rebecca and I have known each other since the 7th grade. We went on to catholic all girls high school and college together. Needless to say, we share many good memories. It's amazing to think that twenty years ago, her now husband and I were leaving the dining hall one crisp fall evening during our first semester at RIT when we bumped into Rebecca. Rick's curiosity was instantly peaked, and now they have ten years of marriage behind them and two adorably handsome boys. It is so wonderful to watch them grow as a couple and a family. I am looking forward to all of the good memories to come!



kirbambino said...


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