Salafia Pepitone

posted on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Pepitone's were the third family photo session when I was back east. Again, Silvana and I have known each other since the 4th grade. Not to mention, her mother and my grandfather are first cousins. My favorite memory of Silvana that sums her up well is when we were teenagers shopping at a mall, she lost track of me and used the store intercom to announce, "Sandy Fazzino, please come to the cosmetic department. Sandy Fazzino to cosmetics." In one word: fearless. How she knew how to use that thing is a mystery. Now, she's married to a great guy with two wonderful children. Sofia Rose has my heart and Joseph, you are growing into a fine young man. I miss my friends so much. To live on opposite coasts and go one to two years at a time without seeing each other is tough. But when we come together and gab like no time has passed, it's truly a blessing.



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