Casey Moore. Headshots.

posted on: Monday, October 25, 2010

Casey Moore of Living Simply Consulting, Inc. needed to update her head shots. I hope she doesn't mind me revealing that she was a little nervous when she arrived to her session. Believe it or not, I can easily forget how uncomfortable it is to have your portrait taken. Before I could set up the camera and check the lighting she was zapping me with questions, "Where should I look? How should I stand? Where are you cropping the image?" I get it. It's hard to trust that the photographer sees you the way you want to be seen. She's investing good money for a 45 minute session and her hope is that these images will represent her and her company in a way that she wants to be portrayed. She had only seen my work on-line, and we didn't even have time to speak over the phone before we met. I wanted her to feel comfortable, so I told her the truth: she looked great. Plus, we laughed a lot, and I empathized with her. My cheesy trick for moments like this one is to encourage my subject to look at the camera as though it's a person they admire and enjoy being around, and yes, flirt! It's a cheap trick, but it works! Casey, I think you look fabulous in your photos. This sneak peek is an example of a few "fun" ones. Don't worry, we captured more "serious" poses, too. : )



Sara Bereika said...

These pics came out great. The pic of her laughing is fab. I hope she uses it for more personal things.

Marita said...

LOVE all these headshots!

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