Horse Project | Portola Farms | Jill + Flora

posted on: Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today, on Valentine's Day, I would like to announce the new project I'm working on about horses and their riders. I haven't come up with the most appropriate title for this endeavor yet, so if you have a suggestion, please share!

The premise of this project is to use photographs to capture the relationship between horse and rider. I know there is a very special bond there, and it's one I've been wanting to explore for a long time. If you are a rider, and you would like to be a part of this project, please send me an email at I'll be taking portraits over the next four months. Should all go well, there will be a gallery showing at the end of the year.

Today, I'm so excited to share Jill and Flora's romance with you. To see all of the photos and to learn about their story, you'll have to attend the show. For now, here's a sneak peek. Jill, you are amazing! And I can finally attest that I do, indeed, eat like a horse after seeing Flora graze her way through the ENTIRE photo session! ; )

A special thank you to Glen and Nancy of Portola Farms for their generosity in letting us take photos at their stables.

Hair and Make Up - Naima Morgan

Happy Valentine's Day!  


Mary Marantz said...



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