Raising Shane | The Power of a Promise

posted on: Thursday, January 10, 2013

He needed to play video games the way you and I need to breath air. A day without contorting his thumbs and gripping the joystick was a long day sending him through withdrawal and fits of panic.

That was seven months ago. Today, he reads. Books that is. During winter break he actually finished four books. Two he started prior, two he began and completed during his time off from school. When Shane first arrived last July, we went over the house rules, expectations and consequences. Not one resembled his previous life. Not one felt comfortable or familiar. No rated M video games, daily chores, a set bed time, homework hours, keeping a clean and tidy room, washing his hands before meals, limited time on the computer and cell phone, just to name a few. He might as well have landed on Mars. He had so little structure where he used to live. Sometimes, I felt like I was taming a wild Mustang.

There's something to be said for patience, repetition, gentle reminders and the easiest of all, a simple promise. When Shane began reading his fourth book during the break, I offered to take him and a friend out for hot cocoa if he finished by the end of his vacation. That's all it took. Better yet, he finished ahead of schedule and even started on a fifth book!

Here's to all the moms and dads out there that work hard to raise your children. I just have to wonder if it's a lot more simple than we make it out to be. A little attention, some guidelines, and the power of a promise.


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