Saying Adios. My Spiritual Mentor Leaves the West Coast.

posted on: Thursday, May 3, 2012

There are some people that come into our lives and enrich them in ways we never dreamed possible. It was twelve years ago almost to the day. The car was running outside of my apartment building on Pacific and Van Ness. Dianny and Talitha were waiting for me. I hopped in the back seat and immediately the chatter began about what each one ate for breakfast. Until it was my turn. It was 9:30am, and all of a sudden I was ashamed. I hadn't so much as had a sip of water or juice, although I was hungry and realized it as soon as I sat in the car. I had only given myself enough time to wake up, take a shower and get dressed before they arrived. 

It sounds like such a simple thing, doesn't it? Breakfast? I'm sure many take for granted something so mundane, so benign. Well, twelve years ago that's how much I needed to learn about self love and self care. I didn't have a clue. That is until I met Dianny. 

I asked her to be my spiritual mentor, and to my surprise she said yes. I felt like I had asked the coolest chic in high school to be my friend and she said yes. Only it was better because it had nothing to do with high school. It had to do with life and getting mine back on track spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I needed some help and she embodied the kind of peace that I wanted in my life desperately.

Fast forward to twelve years later, and I can't imagine what my present life would be like had I not hung on every word, every ounce of support she graciously and patiently offered up to me. For five straight years, she mentored me on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. Today, our lives have become busy, a little too busy to keep in touch the way we once did, but not a day goes by that I don't carry her wisdom on my shoulders and apply it to my life in big and small ways.

Yesterday, I learned that my dear friend is moving to the east coast and I can't explain the emotions that have welled up inside of me. She knows the weight of my sadness and the lightness of my joy more than any friend I have, and to her I will always be indebted for her grace, love and support. 

Good luck in your new adventure, Di! You are such a gift in my life and I am forever grateful to you!



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