Friendship + Beer Budgets

posted on: Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What is the difference between excelling and competing? Are the two often confused? Is it a tabu in today's society to choose to strive for excellence? Does striving without achieving mean failure? Or can the reward in reaching for greatness be the moments lived and the small accomplishments along the way? 

Personally, from a young age, I always wanted the best. I couldn't shop at a store without unknowingly reaching for the most expensive blouse. Couldn't eat at a restaurant without wanting the filet mignon. As my mother would say I had champagne taste on a beer budget. I would braid my hair ten times before I was satisfied with the result. My closet was color coded and every item was perfectly pressed. I was a perfectionist in training and without knowing it, I would have a long way to fall, many hard lessons to learn. 

Now, I call myself a recovering perfectionist. I strive to be perfectly imperfect. It's humbling, and this character trait will cripple me each day if I let it. I have to deliberately let things go. I have to mentally remind myself it's ok if a few dishes are in the sink, you can fix that throw pillow later, yes, the bed spread may be crooked but Alessandro made it so be grateful and don't fix it! I'll be very honest, I'm able to let go of two out of the three scenarios here. That's why it's called recovery - it's about progress not perfection.

So, why does all of this come up? Because this next wedding that I second shot was for Adeline and Grace Photography. I worked with their associate shooter and my dear friend, Marita Madeloni. She is a new friend of two and a half years, but boy does she get me. We get each other. And I can't thank her enough for our morning chats, shop talk, and mostly for letting us be exactly who we are with each other. For every neurosis, for every mistake big or small, for every quirk there's no judgement, instead just a nod of the head and an "okay, so what's the lesson here, chiquita?"

And there you have it, great friendship. That alone is the highest achievement I can think of. So, whether my business is successful or not, whether my pictures are pretty or plain, or my house is pristine or full of dust bunnies, I have good, solid friendships that endure and that makes me feel like a millionaire who has won the Nobel Peace Prize who is enjoying the journey for all its ups and downs and learning the lessons along the way, one small awkward step at a time. 



Mary Marantz said...

From one recovering perfectionist to another....I adore this post!!


Elisabetta said...

Such a beautiful post, my dear. Could your 'Italianness' have anything to do with wanting always the best? I discovered this quality in me when I moved to the UK. I just wanted everything to be like at home, so I'd rather go without than settling for anything less... I don't think I have recovered, but I wish I could... Because expecting the best from everything and everyone makes life so much harder.... Anyway, carissima, love your photography. You're so talented! Looking forward to seeing more! xx Elisabetta {Linen & Silk}

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