Pablo, Elena, + Sara

posted on: Monday, July 4, 2011

So, what makes it so hard to let go? Lately, it's not within my capability. Mourning the loss of my friend has been tough.  Luckily, I work with kids, and they have a way of bringing me into the moment, making me be present, and allowing the grip around my chest to subside.

That's what Pablo, Elena and Sara did for me last week when they graciously modeled so I could test the light in our bedroom and dining room. My husband and I have named our room "the wedding cake." Oh, what was I thinking?! It's entirely white! The cats will ruin it in no time, but it couldn't be helped… the room is flooded with so much natural light that obscuring it with color seemed criminal. Seeing these images makes me feel better about that decision (I think!), since I plan on offering the new "home studio" as an option to clients.

These three look really charming and cute here, don't they? Do not be fooled, they are firecrackers! Just what I needed. Luckily for me, they're also my neighbors. And as soon as they return from Spain to visit their grandparents, I hope to spend more time with them. It really is the best medicine.

Happy 4th of July!



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