This past Sunday marked the first
Walk the Walk Jerry Carry fundraiser organized by
Water Hope a non profit that provides clean water to children around the globe including Africa, Asia, India, just to name a few. During the walk participants are encouraged to carry plastic jugs (called jerry carries) which are used by villagers to transport water. Many times they walk 4 to 8 hours and lug more than one jug at a time, each container weighing up to 50 lbs when filled with water. Don't worry, at the event the jerry carries are empty!
This year, our organization
Bridges of Promise assisted the town of Rukora, Tanzania in submitting a grant proposal to Water Hope which they won in the amount of $23,000 to build a water catchment system for their new dispensary. I am grateful to Water Hope for the generous work that they do and look forward to volunteering once again at their annual
Wine to Water golf tournament this coming November.
Please take a look at the Water Hope website and consider how you may get involved, too!
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